Latest NEWS
We are so thankful for the last 4 years of serving the church in Austria, as we look back it is incredible to see all the things God has allowed us to be a part of. We will now be heading back to the US in July to share with churches, pastors, individuals, small groups, and men's, women's, youth and university student groups about what God has been doing in Austria and our vision for the future.
That vision for the future has remained since God called us to Austria: To reach students and see them transform the nation. As we evaluated our future plans we saw that the most strategic way to fulfill this vision might be to move from the city of Graz, where we have served for 14 years to 1) a more centrally located city where we could more readily impact the university cities of Austria and 2) to a city that had no SFC student ministry group. This process has been very quick and in the last 8 weeks we have come to an exciting decision.
We are thrilled to announce that we will be returning to Salzburg, Austria in August of 2019 to work with the local Pentecostal church to reach the 18,000 students in the city. The location means we can still coach the student group leaders in Graz and Vienna, as well as have a greater opportunity to support efforts to reach students in Linz and Innsbruck, other university cities in Austria. We are looking forward to the process of starting from scratch again in Salzburg after planting the student ministry in Graz 14 years ago. We will be sharing more about this vision over the next 12 months in the US and praying for God to help us build a team that will together impact the campuses in Salzburg.