Thanks for considering partnering with us financially!
We appreciate it!
The best way you can contribute would be to make an online commitment through the link here. You can make a one-time or recurring donation through the link. Recurring donations will count towards our needed commitment budget if you leave the Faith Commitment box checked.
If you would like to make a commitment to give monthly either online or through the mail you can use the commitment form button here.
Use "Austria", "Ambrose" and account number "259551" on the form.
Do you have a creative funding idea? Want to challenge your friends to match your donation? Want to host a dessert and coffee to invite your friends to be a partner with us? Let us know your ideas!
We are currently looking for an individual willing to help serve our partners and keep us connected while we are in Austria. If you are interested in donating your time to help us you can contact us here.