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We are so grateful to partner together with so many individuals and churches who support the ministry to students in Austria. If you would like to be a part of the financial support team through a one-time or recurring donation please click the "Donate Now" link below.

All donations are tax deductible and you can give via PayPal, Debit Card or Credit Card.


We are only able to return to Austria once financial faith commitments have been made in an amount equal to our monthly budget. If you would like to make a commitment to give online or through the mail you can click the commitment form link below and be sure to use "Ambrose", "Austria" and our "account number 259551" in the appropriate fields on the form.

We have opportunities available for short term teams to come and serve in Austria and would love to discuss with you options regarding schedule, opportunities and giftings.


We also are forming a ministry team to jumpstart ministries on the campuses in Austria. Young people willing to give 3 months to 2 years of their lives to grow and serve the students of Austria in a team ministry setting. Click the opportunities button below for information about serving with AGWM and let us know you are interested in information as well.




Prayer changes things and we could use your prayer support. Would you consider committing to pray regularly for us? you can use the link below to visit a new page that gives you all our prayer requests and allows you to stand with us in prayer by clicking the commit to pray regularly link. If you pray for a prayer request there you can click the pray button and we get a cool email telling us someone prayed. What a cool and totally anonymous way to encourage us and make a difference in Austria.





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Currently in Airway Heights WA

© 2014 by Austria University Ministries  Proudly created with

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